TOM WESSELS - AUGUST 6, 6:30pm (note earlier time)
This is a hybrid in-person and online event. We will gather at Town Hall where we will interact with Tom online. He'll be on the big screen and will be able to see, hear and speak with the audience.
This is a hybrid in-person and online event. We will gather at Town Hall where we will interact with Tom online. He'll be on the big screen and will be able to see, hear and speak with the audience.
Tom Wessels is a terrestrial ecologist and professor emeritus at Antioch University where he founded the master's degree program in Conservation Biology. He has conducted programs on ecology and sustainability throughout the country for over three decades. Tom is the author of numerous books with his latest being New England's Roadside Ecology: Explore 30 of the Region's Unique Natural Areas.
Tom will interact with us online while we meet in the Warner Town Hall. He asks that our audience members submit photos of interesting features that they have seen while walking in the woods or through past agricultural landscapes. Tom will view these photos, perhaps ask participants for additional information, and then offer his observations and description as to what was happening in the natural setting. MainStreet BookEnds will have his books for sale that evening.
Tom will interact with us online while we meet in the Warner Town Hall. He asks that our audience members submit photos of interesting features that they have seen while walking in the woods or through past agricultural landscapes. Tom will view these photos, perhaps ask participants for additional information, and then offer his observations and description as to what was happening in the natural setting. MainStreet BookEnds will have his books for sale that evening.